Sunday 29 June 2014

Meeting Success: Tips and Techniques

Tips And Techniques

Best practices for successful meetings gathered from office professionals and co-workers. When you are attending a meeting, sometimes meeting goes out of track, because of distractions. Avoid these distractions and keep meeting on track.

To make Meetings more productive; first thing we think

·         Why a Meeting?
Why not send an e-mail?

 The following tips make your meetings more effective and successful next time:

1.      Agenda (in writing): Manage the meeting

·       Sent in advance
·    Achievable goals and real time frames
·    Roles and expected participation

2.      Set objectives:

o   What is the meeting for?
o   What do you want?
o   Do you want feed backs, actions, and participation?
o   What do you want to achieve?

3.      Phones/Webs Meetings as Leader:

·    Log on 15 minutes before the start of the meeting
·    Use headset or  handset (not speaker)
·    Speak clearly, slowly, and enunciate
·    Keep everyone focused on the issue. “That sounds interesting”. How does that relate to this issue?
·    Enforce the role of one speaker at the time.

4.      Start and End on Time:

o   State that the meeting will begin on the decided time.
o   Ask only relevant questions
o   Keep it simple, so everyone understand it easily
o   Don’t waste too much time on one topic

CONCLUSION: Next time when you are going to attend any meeting, keep these tips in your mind. Tips and Techniques will make meeting more interesting and successful.

Meeting Skills

Skills That You Need In Meetings

Excellent communication skills are necessary for successful meetings. It is the demand of the today’s business world. Some skills want practice; then you learned it perfectly. These skills make an individual successful as well as meetings. There are few skills which are very important:


1.      Listening skills:

·         Carefully listen what the other person speak
·         Avoid interruptions
·         Give positive feed backs
·         Make eye contact
·         Response appropriately


2.      Time management skills:

o   Set time for each topic
o   Start and End meeting on time.
o   Prioritize the tasks.
o   Be clear about your goals and values

3.      Thinking skills:

·         To solve problems
·         Making decisions
·         Processing information
·         Innovative thinking
·         Concentration, prediction, and analyzing


4.      Written communication skills:

o   Think before you write
o   Keep it simple and professional
o   The 6’Cs – Completeness, Correctness, Coherence, Conciseness, Clarity, and Courtesy.

CONCLUSION: These skills are very necessary in business field. More and more practice; makes you perfect in these skills.

What kind of skills do you think make meetings more productive?

Saturday 28 June 2014

Participation In Meeting

Successful Participation in Meeting

In business world; everyone needs to learn business etiquette. Attending a meeting is one thing but participating in meeting makes it successful. You gain more knowledge about work and in products on which you discuss. There are different ways to participate in meetings:

1.      Take notes:

 When necessary take notes on specific topic. Taking good notes is more about developing good habit and finding a system that works for you. It is an easiest way.

2.      The Meeting: (Your Role)

When you are not in charge

·         Prepare in advance

·         Listen, then ask the questions

·         Make useful comments

·         Act aggressively, think creatively

·         Looks interested

3.      The Meeting: Your Role

When you are in charge

·         Follow the agenda

·         Assign time-keeper

·         Ask questions

·         Encourage full participation

CONCLUSION: The well-managed make a business successful. These steps may be helpful to you or you can use them in your next meeting.