Sunday 29 June 2014

Meeting Skills

Skills That You Need In Meetings

Excellent communication skills are necessary for successful meetings. It is the demand of the today’s business world. Some skills want practice; then you learned it perfectly. These skills make an individual successful as well as meetings. There are few skills which are very important:


1.      Listening skills:

·         Carefully listen what the other person speak
·         Avoid interruptions
·         Give positive feed backs
·         Make eye contact
·         Response appropriately


2.      Time management skills:

o   Set time for each topic
o   Start and End meeting on time.
o   Prioritize the tasks.
o   Be clear about your goals and values

3.      Thinking skills:

·         To solve problems
·         Making decisions
·         Processing information
·         Innovative thinking
·         Concentration, prediction, and analyzing


4.      Written communication skills:

o   Think before you write
o   Keep it simple and professional
o   The 6’Cs – Completeness, Correctness, Coherence, Conciseness, Clarity, and Courtesy.

CONCLUSION: These skills are very necessary in business field. More and more practice; makes you perfect in these skills.

What kind of skills do you think make meetings more productive?

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