Sunday 29 June 2014

Meeting Success: Tips and Techniques

Tips And Techniques

Best practices for successful meetings gathered from office professionals and co-workers. When you are attending a meeting, sometimes meeting goes out of track, because of distractions. Avoid these distractions and keep meeting on track.

To make Meetings more productive; first thing we think

·         Why a Meeting?
Why not send an e-mail?

 The following tips make your meetings more effective and successful next time:

1.      Agenda (in writing): Manage the meeting

·       Sent in advance
·    Achievable goals and real time frames
·    Roles and expected participation

2.      Set objectives:

o   What is the meeting for?
o   What do you want?
o   Do you want feed backs, actions, and participation?
o   What do you want to achieve?

3.      Phones/Webs Meetings as Leader:

·    Log on 15 minutes before the start of the meeting
·    Use headset or  handset (not speaker)
·    Speak clearly, slowly, and enunciate
·    Keep everyone focused on the issue. “That sounds interesting”. How does that relate to this issue?
·    Enforce the role of one speaker at the time.

4.      Start and End on Time:

o   State that the meeting will begin on the decided time.
o   Ask only relevant questions
o   Keep it simple, so everyone understand it easily
o   Don’t waste too much time on one topic

CONCLUSION: Next time when you are going to attend any meeting, keep these tips in your mind. Tips and Techniques will make meeting more interesting and successful.

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