Friday 27 June 2014

Meeting's Agenda

Create an Agenda

Chairperson or team leaders follow prepared agendas as they conduct meetings. Preparing the agenda is the responsibility of the administrative assistant. An agenda is a list to be taken up and acted upon during a meeting. It is arranged in the order the topics will be discussed.

Here is the list of topics for formal meeting:

1.      Call to order

2.      Roll call

3.      Approval, amendment, or correction of minutes of previous meeting

4.      Open issues

5.      New business

6.      Reports

7.      Adjournment

8.      Announcements

9.      Date and time of the next meeting

Here is the list of topics including in informal meetings:

1.      Check-ins and warm-ups (optional)

2.      Review goals of agenda

3.      Review roles of members

4.      Discuss issues listed on agenda

5.      Review follow-up and actions that members have committed to

6.      Closure

7.      Determine the date and time of next meeting if necessary

If you are responsible for making an agenda then focus on important things. Send the agenda early enough that the members receive it several days before the meeting. The will need time to prepare for the meeting. The more prepared people are; the more productive the meeting will be. Search on internet; you will find some useful templates and outlines which are helpful to make an agenda.

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